I'll never forget some of the great stuff that is available on the blog of Irish company Bloom (bloom.ie/blog). I vist it as often as I can and find it really entertaining as they have quite a similar taste as me:
Anyone who knows me (or my father for that fact) will tell you that we
male Higginbothams have a mind boggling ability to acquire and
distribute useless information and odd facts. For instance did you
know that in Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lector never blinks!
Thankfully I also possess an open mind - a short look at my surname
will show you that if I didn’t have the ability to appreciate other
people’s opinions and be able to laugh at myself, I would have gone
insane (or to jail) a long time ago.
I got into advertising after doing a four year degree in Psychology
(applied to IT) in IADT. I went on to complete the advertising masters
in DIT in May 2008 where I was Creative Director of one of the two
teams of students pitching for Finches. Soon after I started working
in DirectBrand in Ballsbridge where I was fortunate enough to work on
direct mail and digital for clients such as Microsoft, 3, Eircom, HP,
AA and Steljes. I also had some print work used in the Irish Independent,
Business Ireland, The Irish Direct Marketing Association Directory and
Business & Finance.
I am currently working as a
copywriter in RMG Target.